Sewing goals 2019

What goals have I set for myself when it comes to sewing, knitting and DIY projects for 2019?

When this year started I was not in the big goal setting and hustle stage which everyone else seemed to be in according my social media feeds. I had not yet even had time to reflect over 2018 – let alone set goals for 2019. I needed a break as well as to create space to set my goals & intentions for the year and finally on Chinese New Year I finalised my sewing & craft related goals for 2019.

Word of the year

Every year I set myself a word of the year as sort of a theme for the year. This year I gave myself two words: Embrace Creativity. These words can be used both together, as well as on their own.

As such it’s all about embracing creativity, as well as embracing everything I am taking on and having a creative problem-solving mindset.

The year of slow sewing

I recently watched a video from Amy Nicole Studio on Youtube where she talked about 2019 being the year of slow sewing – if you are interested you should check out her video here.

I really resonated with what she was saying a lot partly because I have felt that sewing community online is in big need of a slow sewing & crafting movement.
But I also really could relate to when she shared about the feeling to need to rush to finish personal projects without a deadline. This is something that I have been very guilty of and what am I even rushing for?

So I have decided that from now on I will enjoy the process more. I will take time to properly wash and press my fabrics before starting to work on my project. I will make sure to enjoy every step of the process and take my time to finish my projects properly. 
One of the downsides with rushing is that it often leads to uneven seams and other stupid mistakes.  As such I will also accept that making mistakes is part of the design process and a a way to learn and grow, and sometimes even improve the initial design. 

In the end of 2018 I experienced a lot of comparison. I felt ‘bad’ for not being able to finish one project whereas other sewists online seemed to have finished 3 during the same time. I will this year give myself permission to take my time and do things properly, and also be very authentic with you on how long certain things actually do take. I will remind myself that this is my life and spitting out project after project online isn’t even aligned with my values or goals.

As I mentioned earlier I think the online sewing community really would benefit of a slow sewing & crafting movement, as well as being more transparent with their audience. It’s not realistic that some people who own businesses, teach classes, have time to promote themselves on social media, film & edit videos, have families can make e.g. 52 quilts/year without someone helping them. 

Every time I compare myself I try to remind myself that we are not living the same life, and a lot of times we are seeing what they are doing – but rarely do we see what people are not doing that I might be. But that’s another post entirely and if you want me to talk more about comparison or the need for a slow sewing & craft movement let me know in a comment below.

Depth year

I am a long time subscriber to Leone Dawson’s newsletter and earlier this year she shared about her no/low spend year and how it all came from something called a Depth Year. 

The depth year was started by a man called David Cain and you can read more about it here.

But to summarise he writes:

“..what if, for a whole year, you stopped acquiring new things or taking on new pursuits. Instead, you return to abandoned projects, stalled hobbies, unread books and other neglected intentions, and go deeper with them than you ever have before.”  

It really resonated with me with my as I had already put myself in the beginning of the year on a challenge to finish as many UFOs (unfinished projects) as possible, and make a big dent in the mend pile.

I want to clear space for a lot of other projects I want to do this year and as such I cannot have shelves filled with WIPs (work in progress) and UFOs.

I will also keep acquiring new things to a minimum. I will buy new fabrics and yarns this year – but they will be very intentional purchases – for well planned through projects that I actually will make – not for the ‘someday maybe project’. No fabrics or yarns as well as notions are even allowed to be bought without a plan although I already have implemented this rule for a couple of years I think it’s important to remind myself that this rule still applies. 

Another thing I want to apply this year is to look more at what I have first. If I do not have a specific thing instead of straight away heading to the store to buy it I will ask myself “Can anything else I have already serve the same purpose?”

The point of this is not to make garments or products that aren’t functional – but rather pushing my creativity. For example if I wanted a zipper but I do not have one that works for my project – can I use buttons instead or another typ of closure?
Maybe buttons will create a more fun look than I initially imagined and if I just had run to the store and bought the zipper I would have totally missed out on this design opportunity. 

I want to reduce my stash over all and create more so that I can notice that my stash is reducing in size rather than going bigger in a rate faster than I can sew/knit/craft. 

A big part of my stash is my upcycle pile and I want to finally take time and make all the upcycling projects that I have planned for some time to do for my home. When I moved in to my apartment 2 + years ago I made myself a challenge to turn our ’trash’ (like old t-shirts and bed sheets) into beautiful objects for our home. 

Doing this made me so grateful for all the things I already own and I was reminded that I do not need to buy new things to make my home feel beautiful. And as such I will apply this again to remind myself that I have plenty already.

As part of this challenge I made myself a couple of few things for my sewing room with things I already had in my stash – a tailors ham and sausage, as well as a pin cushion bracelet. These were all things I initially thought of buying until I realised I have everything already to make them. The only things I acquired for this project was the bracelet for the pin cushion bracelet which I bought in a thrift store.

Another part of the the depth year is to really take time for the things that are truly important to you – like writing the book you have been meaning to write, take those life drawing classes, learn french etc. or whatever you have on your list but never get around to do. 

For me this year that looks like getting back into drawing comics again. It also looks like taking my sewing & knitting skills to the next level. I want to master my serger / coverstitch machine better, as well as learn all it’s functions.

I am also looking to make an 18th century costume this year, make a star quilt, and knit a couple of fair isle projects for example – which are all projects where I will push my skills to the next level.

I am also looking to get back into machine knitting – my knitting machines have been neglected for some time and I want to use the things I own instead of allowing them to collect dust.

Another goal I have sort of mentioned already but it’s to be very intentional about everything I make. Like I am no longer buying a dress because it’s cute – it also needs to fill a gap in my wardrobe and I need to be able to make several outfits with the dress. Likewise is it for my sewing projects.

All the clothes I make this year for myself will fill a gap I have noticed in my wardrobe for awhile (yes that 18th century dress included!), and I do actually neither plan on buying many garments at all this year expect underwear, socks & a couple of pairs of comfortable every day shoes.

Same goes for home wear. What I am making will be used and appreciated in our home and not just clutter the space. If I do not know where something will go or what function it serves in my home I am not making it.

Let me know if a comment below what goals you have set for yourself in 2019! I would love to hear 🙂

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