Why Success With Ease is Important for Creatives

Hi! My name is Matilda and welcome to my blog’s first post – where I will explain why I am on the mission to make creative people experience success with ease.

You might wonder – what is success with ease and why is it important? You might also wonder -why do I want creatives in particular to experience this?

Success with ease is when you are in flow and you feel harmonious and happy. You are clear on where you are going and you are having a healthy balance between your work and spare time. When you experience success with ease the definition of success is on your terms and you do not sacrifice your relationships, your health and well-being on the road to achieving your goals.

It is important to point out that success with ease does not mean that the road to success will be EASY, nor does it mean a shortcut to success or to settle for less.

Why is this concept so important for creatives to experience?

As a creative myself I struggled for so long time – thinking I had to work long hours and push myself really hard to achieve the success I wanted (or, in some cases, believed I wanted).

On my first day at University, my tutor told my class that after this year you will end up having knit shoulders, back pain and painted out a picture of us being all exhausted and stressed out. And of course, at the end of our first year we all were in pain and completely stressed except a lucky few who might already know the secret to Success with Ease).

If you have not yet watched the video above  – do it now – in the video, I explain more about my personal experiences that have led me to want you as a creative experience success with ease.

I believe creatives are so conditioned at an early age that hard work = good. Of course, it takes hours and hours to practise and master a skill. But do you have to struggle and beat yourself up so much in the process?

However, if you are gonna be your best creative and productive self you need to take time off. To be honest – when was the last time you got a really good idea? How productive were you really when you sat panicking in front of your sewing machine doing mistake after mistake? And you had to unpick, and unpick… 

How I came across the concept of Success with Ease:

I first came across the concept of Success with Ease last year when I found Damsels in Success – a transformational network for female entrepreneurs (or for any woman who works for herself or wants to be).

The concept resonated with me instantly as it was something I had known deep inside for the past 1-2 years. I knew that there was no point in working that hard and beating yourself up in the process and neither were the results better still, this habit was so hard to break (and still is sometimes).

My mission with this blog:

In this blog, I want to share my journey on how to do less and accomplish more, and I want to do it as honest as possible by sharing both the ups to the downs of creative entrepreneurship.

I would also like to share with you how you can have success on your terms and experience a more creative and fulfilled life and get your special gifts out there in the world.

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